Virtual CISO Case Study
How PurpleSec Improved Select * Associates, Inc.'s Security Posture

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Select * Associates, Inc. was founded in 2004 with the mission of providing collection management and cash forecasting software applications, along with specialized custom programming services, to large law firms. Today, their star*collect and star*targetCash applications are used in most major metropolitan centers throughout the U.S., and several of their clients have international offices.
The Mission/Challenge
Over the years, many of Select * Associate, Inc.’s law firm clients have developed specialized departments focused on cybersecurity. In 2022, leadership recognized the need for independent advisors to assist in creating their first-ever cybersecurity policy.
This was crucial, as their largest clients had begun auditing their internal security practices.
James Nitzberg, President of Select * Associates, Inc. found PurpleSec through our web presence and the wealth of informative educational material we offer to the public, free of charge. As a small to medium-sized business (SMB), James found the webinars and resources to be an excellent starting point for developing their own cybersecurity policy.
Ultimately, PurpleSec was chosen due to our expertise, accessibility, and enthusiasm for all things cybersecurity. Additionally, our proximity to the Washington, D.C. area made for an ideal partner.
Select * Associates, Inc. needed general security consulting and advice, and quickly established an agreement to procure PurpleSec’s services to begin the engagement.
The Solution
Some of the immediate, tangible results of the partnership between Select * Associates, Inc. and PurpleSec included:
- Comprehensive vulnerability reports on internal systems, covering both external and internal network risks.
- Identification of outdated hardware that required replacement due to age or architecture.
- Improved asset management and control.
- Modernization of our IP addressing scheme, which had previously caused confusion for Select * Associates, Inc.’s clients.
- Education on the differences between basic endpoint management and more detailed vulnerability scanning.
- Insights into how threat actors gain access to IT infrastructures and best practices for prevention.
- Best practices in password management, including the critical importance of two-factor authentication for anyone accessing a network.
- Awareness of our primary threat: malware introduced through sophisticated social engineering attacks.
- A better understanding of the options available for vulnerability scanning and patch management.
- Initial steps were taken toward network hardening.
- Expansion of disaster recovery planning and testing capabilities.
Perhaps the most important lesson taught is that cybersecurity policies and procedures require continuous improvement.
Another key outcome of becoming more cybersecurity-aware was educating the rest of Select * Associates, Inc.’s employees on the new policies and procedures. PurpleSec was instrumental in guiding Select * Associates, Inc. on the most effective ways to present this information.
Summary At A Glance
PurpleSec provided Select * Associates, Inc. with comprehensive cybersecurity consulting services, resulting in:
- Comprehensive security assessment
- Implemented controls based on recommendations.
- Enhanced company-wide cybersecurity awareness.
- Streamlined compliance and ongoing enhancements

“We highly recommend PurpleSec to any organization considering their security and information services.“
– James A. Nitzberg
President, Select * Associates, Inc.
Why Select * Associates, Inc.
Recommends PurpleSec
Our experience working with PurpleSec has been exceptional. We’ve had a five-star experience and highly recommend their services.
Since working with PurpleSec, responding to client audit requests regarding our security practices has become much easier. Managing ongoing improvements and updates to our cybersecurity policies has become more streamlined.
As we continue to evolve, we are confident that we will call on PurpleSec for further advice. They have consistently exceeded our expectations, and we truly value having expert cybersecurity guidance available in real time. Every professional we’ve worked with has been personable, professional, and genuinely invested in our business.
As we look to further improve our internal policies and automate vulnerability scanning and patching, we are eager to maintain our relationship with PurpleSec and explore their new products and services.
James A. Nitzberg
Select * Associates, Inc.
The Breach Report
Our team of security researchers analyze recent cyber attacks, explain the impact, and provide actionable steps to keep you ahead of the trends.
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