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Why Is Social Engineering Effective?
What Are The Different Types Of Penetration Testing?
Vulnerability Remediation: How To Automate Your Process

How To Prevent Cyber Attacks (Solutions & Best Practices)
Cyber attacks and threats can be prevented by being aware of the various types of protocols, exploits, tools, and resources used by…

Common Types Of Network Security Vulnerabilities
A network vulnerability is a weakness or flaw in software, hardware, or organizational processes, which when compromised…

14 Essential Network Security Policy Templates You Need
A network security policy is a set of standardized practices and procedures that outlines rules network access, the…

7 Data Loss Prevention Best Practices & Strategies
Data Loss Prevention is a strategy that detects potential data breaches or data ex-filtration transmissions and prevents them by…
From PurpleSec's Video Library
How LLMs Are Being Exploited
Is AI The Future Of Penetration Testing?
Why You Should Learn AI In Cybersecurity
How To Develop A Security Risk Management Plan
A cyber risk management plan is a strategic approach to prioritizing threats within an organization. It involves identifying, analyzing…
How To Reduce Your Attack Surface (6 Proven Strategies)
There are 6 best practices you can implement to reduce your attack surface including assuming zero trust, decreasing complexity…
9 Data Security Strategies You Need To Implement
Data security is the process of assessing and implementing controls to protect digital assets and reduce risk. Digital assets may include…
What Does A Virtual CISO Do? (Roles & Responsibilities Explained)
The role of a virtual CISO is to be the ultimate security advisor for businesses, providing specialized advice regarding policy…
Recent Cyber Attacks & Breaches
explain the impact, and provide mitigation steps to keep you and your organization protected.
The 3 Types Of Security Controls (Expert Explains)
There are three main types of security controls including technical, administrative, and physical. Most controls in cybersecurity…
How To Prevent Cyber Attacks (Solutions & Best Practices)
Cyber attacks and threats can be prevented by being aware of the various types of protocols, exploits, tools, and resources used by…
9 Common Types Of Malware (& How To Prevent Them)
The most common types of malware include: Viruses Keyloggers Worms Trojans Ransomware / crypto-malware Logic bombs…
Red Team VS Blue Team: What’s The Difference?
Red teams are offensive security professionals who are experts in attacking systems and breaking into defenses. Blue teams are…

What Are The Different Types Of Network Security?
Network security is a combination of technologies, devices, and processes designed to protect an organization’s network…

Network Security Management: 8 Steps To Improve Cybersecurity
Learn what network security management is, why it is important to implement, and how to develop an effective network security…

Develop A Network Security Plan In 8 Steps
There are 8 steps to developing and implementing an effective network security plan include: Understanding your business model…

14 Essential Network Security Policy Templates You Need
A network security policy is a set of standardized practices and procedures that outlines rules network access, the…
Cybersecurity Insights
Web Application Penetration Testing: Steps, Methods, & Tools
Cloud Penetration Testing: Benefits & Methodology
How To Perform A Successful Network Penetration Test
White Box Penetration Testing: When Do You Need One?
External Vs Internal Penetration Testing: Differences Explained
What Is Ransomware? (How To Identify, Prevent, And Respond)
You can mitigate or prevent ransomware attack by implementing user education and training, automating backups, minimizing attack…
How Does Ransomware Spread? (5 Common Methods In 2025)
In this article, we’ll discuss the impact ransomware has on businesses and explain exactly how these attacks spread.

How To Build A Cybersecurity Program For Small Businesses
There are 10 steps to building a cybersecurity program including conducting a security risk assessment, selecting a cybersecurity…

10 Ways To Protect Your Small Business From Ransomware
In this article, we’ll discuss the rise of ransomware and it’s impact on small business, and the latest trends and research driving…

The True Cost Of A Data Breach To Small Business Explained
In this article, we’ll look at what’s driving these attacks and more importantly how you can protect yourself from becoming another…

10 Cybersecurity Tips For Small Businesses
We interviewed Bruno Aburto and Heather Noggle – two long-time small business security advocates on their top tips for helping…

How To Implement Social Engineering Awareness Training
You can implement social engineering awareness training by developing policies, defining resources and toolsets, creating phishing…

How To Create An Effective Phishing Campaign
A phishing campaign is comprised of 8 steps including sending a questionnaire, crafting email templates, defining the vishing and…

What Is A Social Engineering Attack? (& How To Prevent Them)
Social engineering attacks rely on manipulating human psychology rather than deploying malicious code. Threat actors meticulously…

What Is A Phishing Attack? (And How To Prevent Them)
Phishing attacks are a type of social engineering that attempts to trick people into giving up personal or sensitive information. This is…
Top 10 Vulnerability Management Trends For 2024
Best Practices For Cloud Vulnerability Management
Top 9 Patch Management Challenges (Solved ✓)
The Vulnerability Management Lifecycle (5 Steps)
Credentialed Scanning VS Uncredentialed Scanning
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