Eryk Waligora

Eryk has a multi-perspective experience from his over 10 years of professional work in the media/entertainment, technology, and cyber security industries.


Each of his previous roles has enhanced his ability to effectively communicate complex issues to a variety of audiences.


As a cyber threat intelligence consulting manager, Eryk is experienced in OSINT, dark web reconnaissance, data security, vulnerability management, geopolitical cyber risk analysis, advanced persistent threat (APTs) tracking, cyber security program management, and awareness and training.


Eryk is currently serving as a security advisor, technical writer, and editor for PurpleSec’s content.


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Recent Articles:


How To Scan A Web Application For Vulnerabilities

You can scan a web application and website in 5 steps including setting up the scanner, scanning the application for vulnerabilities, having a security analyst prioritize vulnerabilities based on business risk, delivering scan results and the assessment, and remediating and retesting vulnerabilities.

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Credentialed Scanning VS Uncredentialed Scanning: Key Differences Explained

Credentialed scanning, using privileged credentials, provides in-depth vulnerability analysis and accurate results, assessing systems and apps not usually accessible without authentication. Uncredentialed scanning, without privileged credentials, is less accurate but can still reveal exploitable basic vulnerabilities.

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What Is Vulnerability Scanning? A Complete Guide For 2023

Vulnerability scanning is a process of identifying and assessing security weaknesses in a computer system, network, or web application. Vulnerabilities can range from technical flaws in software, hardware or configuration issues to vulnerabilities in policies and procedures.

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Vulnerability Management Lifecycle: 5 Step Process Explained

The vulnerability management lifecycle is a process intended for organizations to effectively identify, remediate, and confirm the elimination of network vulnerabilities in a computer system.

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Patch Management VS Vulnerability Management: Key Differences Explained

The main difference between patch management and vulnerability management is that patch management is the operational process of applying remediations (patches) to vulnerable systems. Vulnerability management is…

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Vulnerability Remediation: How To Plan And Automate Your Processes

There are 8 best practices when planning your vulnerability remediation including prioritization of vulnerabilities, setting timelines, defining a SLO, developing a remediation policy, automating your processes, adopting continuous remediation…

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Top 10 Benefits Of Vulnerability Management

There are 10 benefits of vulnerability management including cost effectiveness, maturing your security program, rapidly responding to threats, gaining operational efficiencies, enhancing visibility and reporting…

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How To Build An Effective Vulnerability Management Program

A Vulnerability Management Program is a management framework designed to proactively identify, classify, remediate, and mitigate vulnerabilities in applications or an IT infrastructure with the goal of reducing overall risk to an organization.

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9 Data Security Strategies You Need To Implement In 2022

Data security is the process of assessing and implementing controls to protect digital assets and reduce risk. Digital assets may include databases, files, accounts, and other information that is sensitive or critical to operations.

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